Please click here for a full list of categories and criteria.
Please click here to download the 2019 entry form.
If you require a word document of the entry form, please contact Laura Adam.
Please email completed entry forms to Laura Adam
Laura Adam
Event Manager
01382 575308
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You can enter more than one category. One entry form must be submitted for each category entered.
In order to qualify, games must have been produced within the period of August 2016 – August 2017.
Please complete all fields. You can save and resume at any point by selecting the option below the form.
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You can enter more than one category. One entry form must be submitted for each category entered.
Please note you can save and resume at any point by selecting the option below the form.
Before you begin, we ask you check this year’s criteria and find out how to vote over on our How it Works page.
Good to go? Please fill in your details below, then click on “Add Nomination 1,2,3 etc” to vote for a supplier in order of preference.
If you can’t find them, we will automatically ask you to suggest a new supplier.
To download a PDF entry form, please select the category below you would like to enter.
If you would like a word document of the entry form please contact Laura Adam on